Thursday, February 11, 2010

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish!!

Accuse me if you please, of glutton n gauche;
Rebuke me if you like, for the lack of prudence in taking chance;
Tell me about my guardian angels which could forsake if I push too far,
For I shall keep craving for more, like a sponge I shall cadge.

There is a lot to learn that each day has brought,
Talk to strangers and contemplate their thoughts;
At least I am better than Einstein who had cut ‘two’ holes in the feline’s box,
Present make no sense, but it is a pleasure to be able to join the dots.

The world is a canvass that has colors vibrant as a flower,
I am the apian sucking nectar from it, to play my part.
I follow my will and do not balk to lark, satiate this voracity n gloss this raunchiness, it is too much to ask!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. given a hunger situation..
    a foolish & a sagacious to sustain
    lifeless tree they observe..
    some outgrowth still preserved
    hunger killed fool about to attain..
    heard a third one saying its taint!

    sagacious not preferring for trial..
    fool fretful for survival
    move he made..
    keeping life at stake

    next moring I see fool lively..
    but to my surprise, sagacious was now a fallacy:(

    daz wat a fool keeps in store :)

    again one amongst ur splendid piece of ur writings :)

  3. ...and urs too (splendid piece of writing). I am as impressed as you are. Brilliantly reciprocated :)

  4. I am impressed mam!!
