Friday, February 19, 2010


Why do we ponder on what could have been?
When we decided for ourselves and should’ve foreseen.
The ‘if onlys’ & ‘what ifs’ hoard the mind;
And instead of striding forward, we look behind.

We can no more walk back in time
Yet we cling on to the past, and pine.
Why be in a quandary and be contrite about bygone
Because what has happened cannot be rewound

Even if our choices were made in a haste,
We must stand by them and allow no disgrace.
Condoning the fallacious judgment, future one must procure
For what cannot be cured, must be endured..


  1. hmm....Nice & 1 which let one look for what lies ahead & not keep re bouncing back on what has mislaid.

    Gud Sakshi!! you are now playing on positive notes..

  2. perfect!
    change in pic I mean :)
    now it actlly goes very well wid the theme..
