Friday, January 05, 2018

A tribute to the brave daughter of India

Death of Pi 
(penned, with pain & angst, on 29 December 2012)
She died, and she died a million deaths
Because with her, died a part of us
I could have been in her place
I wanted to watch the movie too,
As much do I like to enjoy my life, my freedom.

I wonder what made her catch that bus
Were her parents worried,
About her getting home, too late?
Were they calling her too often, to check?
Did she and her pal have a hint of what was coming?

She is now being hailed by a million names,
They say that she lived to serve the purpose,
To bring about an awakening, very different from the rest
Did she feel the same, while saving her dignity?
Was she questioning the policing & culture, while on deathbed?

What was she thinking when she watched Pi?
Did she feel, like I did – believed in the story?
That the hyenas shall die, and she shall tame the Richard Parkers?
That the boat will survive rough waters, when her faith is being tested?
That no matter what, God, destiny - is by her side?

Now that she is with God
Does she have questions for Him?
Would she have been safer abroad?
Are women not violated in those parts of the world?
Or maybe, why was she born a girl at all?

And what a shame, if she did ask those questions
To feel sorry about her own identity!
Will He have answers – a world full of men?
For, what would a sans-women world be like?
For what would be the story, without any Pi?