Saturday, May 28, 2011


If only I could undo things
If only I could hide up high
If only I could untangle
And let everything fly by

If only I could break out
If only I could stand by
If only I could smile
And question back the why

If only I could think
If only I could try
If only there were no ‘Nos’
And smiles replaced the cry.

There is something hidden behind the curtains
The shadow of demon or just a fly?
Staying true to the verbatim
That’s too hypocritical for all the hype.


  1. i wish i cud understand y dis pic been put alonwith...thoda samjhoona yaar :(

  2. Frankly speaking, not much of a thought process has gone into choosing the pic. I saw this pic and could relate my state of mind with it (somehow) and placed it here.. ;)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
