There are incidences in our lives which force us to think. They may not change the course of our lives, but they do bring about a change.
Recently, I was pondering over the trait of being immature vis-à-vis the act of being possessive. A string of unrelated events, I happen to recapitulate, set my mind off to work.
Before I start, here is a confession. I am possessive about…well just about everything and anything! On the inside, I hate to share my room, my bed, my shoes, my clothes, my friends, my love…umm well even my parents (I hope my sister never-ever gets to read this)!
But, actually BUT, this is not how things work. NO WAY!
Possessiveness leads us to behave immaturely. People stop talking to each other and at times, relationships get acrid, culminating in break-ups. But where exactly does all this start/ where to draw the line? Possessiveness by itself is, by no far shot, synonymous to immaturity. The non-realization of when to let it go over-board that it behemoths into an undesirable act or an uncomfortable experience is immaturity.
Possessiveness, if not closely, then remotely, is related to insecurity. Insecurity of losing what you have, and hold so dearly. But then, as the adage goes...’Let go. If it comes back to you, then it is yours; else it never belonged to you.’ A friend of mine did let go; and it didn’t come back! It went and, took along his hope and his trust. He stopped believing in the adage. He cannot let go anything that belongs to him anymore. This is his immaturity; his weak-heartedness, et al, or it is mere prudence?
I have another weird example. I was been audience to a conversation (read as heated argument), wherein ‘the self-proclaimed righteous’ was justifying to have dropped a relationship because her mate had found a new pal. I couple of months later; I got to meet this girl again. To my utter exasperation, I found her lecturing someone about the degree of immaturity involved in being possessive.
People are indeed strange!
From all the above written nonsense, there is an erudition I can profoundly articulate. I play it safe now. I no more display my possessiveness, as I staunchly dislike being tagged as an immature.
Recently, I was pondering over the trait of being immature vis-à-vis the act of being possessive. A string of unrelated events, I happen to recapitulate, set my mind off to work.
Before I start, here is a confession. I am possessive about…well just about everything and anything! On the inside, I hate to share my room, my bed, my shoes, my clothes, my friends, my love…umm well even my parents (I hope my sister never-ever gets to read this)!
But, actually BUT, this is not how things work. NO WAY!
Possessiveness leads us to behave immaturely. People stop talking to each other and at times, relationships get acrid, culminating in break-ups. But where exactly does all this start/ where to draw the line? Possessiveness by itself is, by no far shot, synonymous to immaturity. The non-realization of when to let it go over-board that it behemoths into an undesirable act or an uncomfortable experience is immaturity.
Possessiveness, if not closely, then remotely, is related to insecurity. Insecurity of losing what you have, and hold so dearly. But then, as the adage goes...’Let go. If it comes back to you, then it is yours; else it never belonged to you.’ A friend of mine did let go; and it didn’t come back! It went and, took along his hope and his trust. He stopped believing in the adage. He cannot let go anything that belongs to him anymore. This is his immaturity; his weak-heartedness, et al, or it is mere prudence?
I have another weird example. I was been audience to a conversation (read as heated argument), wherein ‘the self-proclaimed righteous’ was justifying to have dropped a relationship because her mate had found a new pal. I couple of months later; I got to meet this girl again. To my utter exasperation, I found her lecturing someone about the degree of immaturity involved in being possessive.
People are indeed strange!
From all the above written nonsense, there is an erudition I can profoundly articulate. I play it safe now. I no more display my possessiveness, as I staunchly dislike being tagged as an immature.
Possessiveness comes from the insecurity which comes from the fear of loosing someone which in a way is a sign of how much a person loves another. Possessiveness, anyhow, is wrong. But, not always, the person who is possessive is fully responsible for his/her acts. I am not justifying it in anyways. Just that if the other person show a little more responsible, even for time being, it 'can' create a sense of confidence in her's/his' partner's mind and all this unnecessary mess can be avoided.
ReplyDeletePS: Just an opinion.