Thursday, September 17, 2015

Relative Perceptibility

It is not about
The good or the bad,
Neither about
The right or the wrong!
I do not know what lies
Inside your bubble,
Like you would not know
What lies inside mine.

We have those pictures -
All those places we saw,
The friends we knew.
Was is beautiful -
With that tint in your glass?
As you may not know
What I saw!

This is no game,
Or some binary code.
I'll try to be nice,
With all sincerity, I pray.
Are you measuring
In that relative scale?
But, you will not know
My reference point.

Candid or rude,
It is what you've asked for!
Soft target?
We all are!!
The colour, or the monochrome.
As time is flying by,
Let's lead our lives
The way we are.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Cerebrations of an Irked Soul -

Sometime, just sometimes
We don’t realize how much
We are hurt – angered – enraged!
When an indefinable pain,
Well up inside our stomach,
Choking our heart and
Killing our desires.
We look for solace –
A medicine, some comfort
From those close to us
But alas,
They are incapable
Of seeing our seething pain.
They defend and secure
What is theirs is right.
Is it, however, that makes us cry?
These hypocrisies, their petty lies
Their ugly selves, they ought to hide.
Like a volcano, waiting to erupt;
Like a hulk, ready to pick a fight –
We stare in disbelieve,
Hoping this too shall pass by.
At such times, we wonder
Is it already too late?
We try and we move on
Wondering what others may think!
The tussle at two ends –
The right from wrong –
The dos from don’ts –
They drain us further,
Sinking us, farther down.
This cycle of doubt,
It goes on and on
While we can only hope,
That we ourselves are not wrong.